Monday, March 18, 2013

Video on what will be need to create the SEN Network

This video is from 2010 but is very timely with every thing that is going on in the state with the 22.i program. It would seem that they have had a crystal ball as it speak to what is going on today. This video is 55 Min. I think you will find it addresses many of the issues that we will be facing as we try to build the State Education Network (SEN). This network will be a model for the rest of the country. There are many political issues to work through and dealing with multiple personality and politics. Building trust relationships within the state is something that we need to work on before and during and after the building of this network.

Statewide educational networks aren't new - but school districts are devising innovative ways to use these private networks to provide exceptional educational experiences while reducing their costs. School districts across the country are discovering the benefits of coming together for network services. In this presentation, we will first cover the differences between the commodity Internet and networks dedicated to education. We will then present examples of how schools, both inside and outside of Michigan, leverage their education network to lower costs and/or improve education. We will conclude by talking about the future direction of education networking and the potential that schools will have to accomplish even more with less.

Note: To view On Demand events on MI Streamnet, you will need the newest version of the free Adobe Flash Player. Apple iOS support is coming soon with the new 2012 version of MI Streamnet.

Video link

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